Tess Donovan

Hi! My name is Tessie, I've been a practicing health coach and personal trainer for 4 years, and I live to fulfill my purpose of empowering women to become their best selves! I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to collaborate with E’lorm, a brand I truly align with. I believe success and happiness is available to all of us, no matter where we come from or what circumstances we are given. I live my own life by the philosophy that with love, passion, and an understanding for our own personal truth we can manifest our dream life and our most ideal versions of ourselves. It’s a gift for me to be able to guide others on their own journeys through health and fitness, as I myself have had to overcome limiting beliefs and obstacles to get to where I am today. I help people to work on myself, and I work on myself to help people. Live in your truth, and never give up on finding what you know belongs to you!
Instagram @tessiedonzo